Somewhere at the intersection of getting older, and wisdom is a sharp right to - you’ve arrived. Eyes wide open. Usually before sunlight, and as often as a few times a week. One of the perks to aging, not needing an alarm clock. And, waking up at 4:00am from something to worry about. By nature I’m a bit of a worrier and if I’m not worrying, that worries me. Yet a big bonus for Anya my awesome hair stylist who covers my greys, going on every three weeks. On the flip side to worry Wanda thoughts, are the perks to getting older. Seeing treasures when least expected, while playing in the land of perspective.
Luna, my dog-ter can sleep harder than most humans (certainly me). Her bladder is part dog, part camel, preferring the pillow to drool on, than any tree to get up and pee on. And as I lay next to her with the sound and stench of her stinky stale breath, I’m doubly comforted by the sound of the coffee brewing. My forever life partner, till death do we part. Oh, of course Luna, yes! But I’m talking coffee. And as my sister once awkwardly described during a posh meeting with Executives in London: “There’s nothing quite like having something warm inside you first thing in the morning.” Whoops. Seems that “rewind mouth” condition runs throughout my family. But well described, when it comes to our love of coffee.
Mornings have always been my favorite time of day. I live near a park that is surrounded by trees, mountains, and is beautifully serene. Much like the setting of a Folger’s commercial except mine dripped from my loyal Walgreens Mr Coffee maker. With mug in tow, I began the hike down the trail. Walking is usually where I come up with most of my material. I love to unplug and let the thoughts roam. Just have to remind myself to look up. Last time I got lost while posting pics.
It was one of those mornings that no one was on the trail. And just at the bend where the soil met gravel, and title to one of my all time favorite books Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shell Silverstein, I saw something faintly in the distance. I squinted with every muscle in my face to try and see what it was (with my glasses on no less)..and walked a bit closer. And there he was. A gentle wizard carving wood by hand sitting perched on a rock, with a pile of sticks beside him.
“Good morning.” I said smiling while Luna walked ahead sniffing his stack. He nodded, and smiled back exhaling visible breaths into the chilled dewey air. I glanced behind him where a collection of the most beautiful statues stood on the roof of his Toyota Corolla.
“These are incredible, did you make these?” I asked in amazement.
The craftsmanship and detail was like nothing I’d ever seen.
“Yes, I make them from sticks of the forrest. I come early in the morning to start my day.”
From that day forward, I looked forward to mornings with Yalo. Despite how early or how tired. I looked forward to visiting my friend, a 76 year old Iranian American veteran musician, and 30 year sculptor with the jolliest laugh. My new friend who shared the love of mornings, coffee and the park. Often we’d share a laugh at that time of day, just early enough that traffic hadn’t awoken by engine or by foot, where peace was met by pieces of wood, and mornings were beautifully carved by eyes wide open.