“She just turned nine.” “108 months.” “Two years ago.”
These days it’s hard to know what day it is, let alone what month or year. But answering about age is one of the few occasions, when you want time to stand still.
I was a temporary step mom once, years ago. Two adorable ones lived under my roof, until there was one, and then there were none. I was quickly shown what fur babies can mean to us, and how dog really is man’s best friend.
As a kid, we didn’t have dogs. I had a guinea pig for many years named (wait for it)… Pachakootey. Typical that a 7 year old daughter of a genius father, would encourage the name of the ninth Sapa Inca of the Kingdom of Cusco. C’mon, pretty standard right? Even more fitting was the translation: “He who remakes the world”. Although a tall order for a short guinea pig, he certainly did remake my world. In between thumb suckings (my own), I managed more easily to call him Pacha, a simplified version and one I’d forever cherish. Yet bringing to Show and Tell at school? A whole other ballgame.
“Susanna, are you ready?”
“Yes, Mrs. Geary.” “Hi everyone, m kay, um, today, I’m bring you, today I bring… the Spanish King of the Empire… he’s really nice and cuddly, has long hair, and loves to bite my finger. Oh and he sings. His name is Patchakootey, but you can call him Pacha.”
That was the first time I could actually hear a record scratch behind bated breath in anticipation. Yet was quickly accompanied by a giant exhale within the reveal. And there he was. My long haired guinea pig. My emperor.
Pacha had the most wonderful voice. He’d sing when he drank from his spout. Every morning I’d go to the kitchen where his cage was kept on Meadowbrook Lane. One of my more fond memories, where the quiet family meals became interrupted by laughter and glee.
After Pacha died, we had a few pet rabbits along the way: Balizeebub and Peter. Peter rabbit we kept in a cage in the back yard. During the summer, we would often make carrot trails in the yard aligned by the woods, inchworms, and dandelions. It’s no wonder Jersey is The Garden State. There’s nothing quite like Jersey tomatoes, corn, and pizza: the greatest veggie of all.
Although I don’t remember when Pacha died, I remember when Peter died. I came home from school and went to go check on him in his cage in the back yard. It was the winter, and I went to go align the snow with carrots to have him hop along his orange brick road, only he didn’t move. Pure naiveté with regret on my parents end, thinking rabbits in the wild, somehow across the board could adjust to any climate.
40 years later.
“Your dog’s so cute, what’s her name?”
“How old is she?”
“She just turned nine.
“Two years ago.”
The depth of what we feel toward our pets in whatever form: guinea pig, rabbit, squirrel, snake, chicken, horse, cat, iguana, gerbil, or boyfriend graces us with such a gift. Luna has seen me through both my parents passing, my sister passing, moving from place to place, to staying in one. Day after day. Moment after moment. And the biggest upside during quarantine? Lockdown lick em ups.
Adopt a furry friend. Emperors of heart.
Here are 5 Commonalities Between Pet Owners:
Having a minimum of 20 different nicknames for your pet.
Talking in an octave at least three pitches higher than regular voice.
Asking them questions, and knowing the answer.
Relief when they poop.
Showing tons of pictures to anyone who will listen.
What’s yours? Write in comment below!
Want to learn ways to find the funny with your pets? Send me a note in the contact me’ tab and let’s talk, bark, or meow, hold the neigh. Learn my How to the Ha tips! I look forward in hearing from you and be sure to subscribe to Humor Tool Tips and more on susannaspies.com